


請參考官網的資料: http://www.atomy.com,各國的入會方式不一定,如美國和加拿大,都只需要線上申請,及可即刻開通帳號與上網購物,但入會時,同樣需要上線的客戶帳號與安置人號碼,免任何費用。

You can search ATOMY global website http://www.atomy.com to find the membership guide to join in ATOMY. No matter in any country, you will need a up-line's ID# and Guest Password to join in. If you need any help, please write an E-mail to atomytw2017@gmail.comscan my Wechat and Line QR code as below: 


If you are from the U.S., please know that it does have 5 steps to joining ATOMY online and without any fee.  You need a up-line to provide their  ID# & Guest Password to log into the official website.

Amazon & Ebay sellers are not following ATOMY's rules, we have filed request to remove our products to all the website companies, selling it below our proce. Their identity is unknown but once we confirm, they will be terminated.

Anyone who buys from Amazon will not receive PV points.

The US ATOMY are planning to enforce by barcode scan who was the original purchaser to identify the member.


Step 1: 請先完成線上申請,以取得會員編號,再填寫入會申請書。

1. 身分證正反面影本 (拍照清楚的照片圖檔亦可,但要清楚對焦)
2. 存摺影本 (退費和發放獎金使用,若以消費者入會則不用提供)
3. 護照英文名
4. 手機號碼或家裡電話
5. 電子信箱
6. 通訊地址
7. 挑選合適您的教育中心

* 您也可以自行上官網申請,但需要上線提供他們的客戶帳號以登入系統線註冊,且需要上線提供一個安置人的編號,才可申請完成。


Step 2: 需要花50元購買入會申請書,書面申請的個資處理與填寫方式,掛號寄送至公司,確認無誤後才可開通帳號。

若您需要協助入會,歡迎加Line (ID: eleanor.yi.lin)或寫E-mail至 atomytw2017@gmail.com

委託入會資訊填寫連結 (照片檔亦可上傳至此)


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