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Commissions are to be paid in the same system as in Korea, according to Atomy Marketing Plan. General Commission and Multi-Matching Bonus are to be paid every Tuesday upon the settlement of previous week’s sales closing: PVs and Scores earned upon total purchase volume from Wednesday through Tuesday in the previous week. Masters’ Bonus and Center Allowance are to be paid twice a month: 7th and 22nd every month upon half-month sales closings (1st Sales Closing: 1st through 15th & 2nd Sales Closing: 16th through the last day.)

* Once we receive the signed W-9 Form, we will send the entire commission amount without tax withholdings.  The Commission Check issued will be sent to the member by mail to the address on file unless direct deposit form is updated to Atomy America Inc. If you change your address, please contact customer support center (253-946-2344).

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