Are you looking for a digital marketing? 大家好, 謝謝每一位正在閱讀此部落格的您,也感謝大家一直以來的支持!艾多美是個非常值得大家了解和加入的公司,產品也非常值得得長期使用!但我一直仍在尋找一個更適合我可以直接透過網路工作的事業。 來到美國後,我目前是學生,拿的是F1學生簽證,因此無法有全職工作。在2021年2月,我開啟了另一個網路創業的機會,經營艾多美三年以來,我一直在思考如何直接善用網路的連結來進行工作。我發現了這一個有超過7萬名來自全球夥伴的社群,這個社群提供了完善的學習與互助系統,讓來自各行各業、想要學習運用各種網路平台創業的人都有成功的機會。 在這個社群裡大家互相幫助,我們不銷售產品,但需要花一些時間在起頭學習如何運用各種網路平台(FB, Linksdin, Instgram, Pinterest, Twitter....等等)來開啟您的網路創業。因為我很愛學習,所以在經營艾多美時我花了一些時間自學寫部落格和經營臉書粉絲專頁,但是我缺乏更精確的資訊來引導我如何在網路上經營事業,因此能夠進入到這個社群,我很開心,因為裡面的資源和系統非常完善,我可以按著別人創建好的網路和影片,一步步的操作完成,時間非常彈性,而且在裡面每一個人都可以互相協助和幫忙,我已認識很多來自全球的夥伴,大家也非常樂於分享如何在網路成功創業的經驗。 會想要把握住網路創業的機會,是因: 非常歡迎您點選以下連結,可以參加一週兩次的免費講座(此社群由外國人發展出來,因此目前都是用英文進行,但未來會有越來越多的華人加入,希望很快會有國語的講座),更深入了解這個社群。講座連結在此:,也歡迎您直接透過我的臉書專頁直接與我互動:,我將非常樂意協助您! 很多能力是逐漸累積起來的,而永遠沒有完全預備好的時候,行動就是最好的開始。 ![]() |
How to run a digital business? |
I have joined a digital business since Feb 2021. I have never thought that I will start a digital business using social media and meet many wonderful partners globally.
I grabbed this opportunity due to many reasons:
1. I have been searching for flexible work out of my professional field for more than 3 years.
2. I like work for fun, passion and who I loved instead of only increasing our income.
3. Digital business is an inevitable trend in the future.
4. I love to challenge myself via learning a new thing which I have never tried before. I also hope can improve my English conversation ability soon.
5. I'm now a F1 student in the U.S. so I can't have a full-time job now.
We have more than 7o,ooo global members in this mutual helping community. If you have interest, welcome to sign up the complimentary, twice a week webinar to understand more about this digital business. Cheers!
You will never feel 100% ready. So do it anyway~
Here is the link:, and this my FB pages:, if you have more questions, welcome to contact me directly.
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